Tuesday 13 November 2007

Reason 11.

11. Hold on. Where'd everybody go?
And why the hell is there no OHP to hide bottles in?

Damn. How could I have forgotten. Am I stupid or what (don't answer). Top ten reasons, and I've left out what should've come first in front of all the work and stress. The only reasons why I still go to school to get my brain stuffed with knowledge that helps me only when I'm forced to sit in class and write on a thick stack of paper saying "Examination".


I know, I've gone through this before. You've read the post a few weeks ago (You'd better). But that was just a half-hearted post. More of the class league than the class. Which is what it should've been all along.

First of all, I'm satisfied with the class league. We lost fair and square. Heck, we weren't even supposed to be in 2nd place. We were meant to rely on 2L (no offence. Well maybe a little) to cover for us for last place for last year.

Remember last year, when we couldn't care less about whether we were getting last for class painting or whatever weird competitions that were happening? We wouldn't cheer at all in any event that was organised in Dunman High. But then again, that's what makes us all special isn't it?


After all, who else could be the strongest but the cynics turned believers? We had to make our way from square -53 to 1, and then forwards. It was basically almost impossible to win. (勝の客率:0.01パーセント。でも、あのデータは進化すれば。)

But did we give a heck? Noooo. Like the same way we ignored the SCs pleas for us to just give the slightest whimper when we were supposed to cheer, we, as usual, decided to ignore the circumstances and did whatever we wanted. We were a true terror.

Then here we are, two years passed in countless blinks of an antimage eye. A few bad hair choices, lower voices and shorter socks later, we're pretty much the same old quiet class. Maybe its the long periods of time that we spent together cooped up in the same room with the same *GASP* teachers (especially a certain form teacher =X).

I kept track of my memories and impressions of as many people as i could for a long time. No I'm not a pervert or psycho. But it paid off, when I truly marvelled how much we have all changed, some for the better, thankfully none for the worse.

But one thing that stayed the same was that we were a class that was AND is unique. We took pride in being the earliest to sit in assemblies. Walking in two lines (lolololololol). Keeping nonchalant when we were called to cheer.

By this time, you could see that my blogpost is, for once, in a complete mess. Jumping from topic to topic. Its really the first time where I don't know where to start, and which precious moment to touch on and reminisce.

After all, this is the only post I've had so far that took me almost three whole weeks to post. And still, its far from what I've got to say. But for the people in Kiska, just remember this one thing.

We did good.

And that's it.


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