Thursday 25 June 2009

Top 10 Ways to Fake That H1N1 Infection

Top 10 Ways to Fake That H1N1 Infection

Or should the title be really "Top 10 Ways to Get An Extra Week For Homework"?

In the face of competition from a fellow listpost competitor (Don't think I can't top yours, Yong Kit), there is no way I am not blogging about the hottest topic on the mouths of taxi drivers, businessmen, teachers, worried parents and disappointed students like most of us here - the unstoppable, rampaging H1N1.

Oh the tragedy - its as if we were kicked down the bottomless pit of the financial crisis when we were slowly clawing our way back up again. But that's not the only bad thing that's looming upon our lives this period of time. It's as if life is just a sick joke, and the punchlines are always targetted at us. Guess what guys, the holidays are over!

I know - It barely got started, what with the homework that we all received as going-away presents at the end of Term 2. And just when we finally edge our way through that pile to peek through at the sun that we longed to see, all we get is a bloody pathetic feeling, finding out that it had just set.

But for every cloud there's a silver lining, and for every disease, an... er... innocent strand of DNA. If you think long and hard enough, this is the perfect time to extend our days of sleeping late into the day. "How?" you may ask. There are so many ways, so many ideas, and it's all a matter of where you want to start. However, for the uninitiated, allow me to give you some of my ideas to get your mind on the right track. Through a listpost, of course.

Top 10 Ways to Fake That H1N1 Infection

1. Bring a bag of keychains with the bold words "Made In Australia" for your friends.

2. "Yeah, my class chalet was near Aloha near end June. Why?"

3. Blog about your trip to Canada.

4. When your teacher asks you for your travel declaration form, give him the whole stack.

5. Or maybe just a very long list.

6. Tell your PE teacher you brought the wrong shirt and ask for permission to use it. Walk back calmly in your "I <3 HK" shirt.

7. Wear a face mask to school, and in your creepiest voice, walk up to the people staring at you and whisper "Why... So... Curious...?"

8. When asked about the most exciting thing that you did for the holiday, simply go "Oh well, nothing much, but the internship at Tan Tock Seng was pretty cool..."

9. Let's work in a team here - Had a classmate who actually followed this list? Organise a class outing.

And the Number 1, guaranteed way to get that extra week of bliss?

10. During temperature taking at mass lecture,  scream "thirty-eight point nine?"

Wednesday 24 June 2009



Before I start, I'll have to admit this - I wanted to do a post going along the lines of How-to-fake-your-own-H1N1-infection listpost, which is probably going to be the hot topic for conversation among slackers students and workers alike for the next few weeks. However, unforeseen circumstances kicked in, and I could not put off blogging about the most exciting thing that has happened to me this year - Church camp.

I've never had a more fulfilling camp. Not even Legendary Leaders Summit. Somehow, despite the many budget and logistical restraints we faced, it felt like the most satisfying, fun, memorable and best camp I've had in a long time. It's hard to explain, almost like something magical was at work - Something miraculous.

Despite all odds and diseases, the 4 Day 3 Night event was saturated with memories, teachings and fun. Amidst friends that I had since childhood (and maybe even when I was in diapers), even the simplest games crack us up and kept us awake long into the night. I'm only starting to appreciate the friendship that's been building for slowly in church.

Doing logistics has always been a challenge. Anyone from SC should know well that I'm not cut out for such a job - I've never been a pen and paper guy.  Thank God Mirabell was. With help from a few last minute chauffeurs, arrangements and ideas, we were able to keep the campers and committee well fed and happy (I hope). Doing logistics has always been a challenge -  But I thank the people that made this a great new experience.

I seldom get grouped with the crazily-high people in a camp, which is probably a good thing, as I highly doubt I'd have the energy to keep up. However, it's funny to notice how groups can quietly start to grow closer within a few days without any obvious sign or a complicated/loud/ridiculous cheer to declare such. Kiska taught me clearly how bonds can be forged subtly and strengthen invisibly, and are in no way inferior to bonds built upon numbers representing points or cheers representing camp themes or team names. My camp group this time had somewhat of a chance like that as well, and it's so great to find that feeling somewhere else again after Kiska had to split up.

Time goes by so quick its almost scary. That few days felt like it was stretched into an eternity, and step by step it felt like I was being watched over by somebody up there. How amazing was that feeling, how refreshing and rejuvenating that experience. 4 hours of sleep in the past 30 hours and I'm still yearning to serve so much more (Woohoo Saturday worship prac).

One thing is for sure though - I'm at an all new high as a Christian.

Ok I know - this isn't my usual tone or topic choice is it? Well live with it - listposts take an insane amount of thinking!

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Make It Mine.

Make It Mine.

"We all have goals and dreams in life, you know, we have a goal, a destination. But you can't just appear at that destination - you've gotta have a journey. You've gotta have a journey to get there. You've gotta have a montage of sequences where you're working hard to get where you wanna go.'