Thursday 14 February 2008

Where's the love?

Where's the love?

It's Febuary 14th, friendship/valentine's day. The day when people are able to have that excuse to give that person a few tables away a little gift, although you're too shy to leave your name. When you can confess your heartfelt love friendship to the people close to you. I went to school, perhaps in a slightly better mood than usual.

Then I waited. And waited. And waited. End of day nearing, and not a single gift. None. Nada. Zip. Zero. x, where x =/= anything but 0.

And the day was over. Is it really the truth? Am I such a social outcast? So unloved? Not even worth a tiny bit of the 20-in-1 packets of chocolates? Ah, it's depressing. To learn that you just cut the line between friendship an anonimity. It's the day where love was supposed to be the main thing in the air other than greenhouse gases, and all you feel is the envy of those that haul their presents home in large plastic bags.

And I'm definitely not the only one. It's good to have to feeling of community, that there are others who share in your sorrow, and seek to find asylum from such a sad fate. Never fear, stopping2think is here! Yes, yet another stupid list that helps nobody except maybe a few laughs.

10 Ways to get that love you need. Hook or by crook.

1. "Accidentally" spam your friends with gift requests directed at someone else. Apologise for the mistake. Hint.

2. Busk at the MRT underpass.

3. Go home crying and attempt suicide. Somebody's gotta visit you at the hospital right?

4. Do what Singaporeans do best - Complain, complain, complain, until something happens.

5. Organise outings with those who didn't receive gifts either. Angel and Mortal game included.

6. Do it the 2K boys' way - kup, kup, kup.

7. Spend your night weeping away with K/J dramas

8. Buy a mountain of chocolates and eat them all at once. Get yourself in hospital for that. Refer to 3 for explanation.

9. Dedicate a few songs for yourself, signing off as "anon" or "your secret admirer". Be sure to be in the canteen when its playing.

And the most desperate, effective, thick-skinned way to get that love?

10. Hang a sign saying "Free hugs!"

11. Make a shameless blogpost to declare how sad you are. Proceed similiarly to 1.

P.S. for those who are feeling guilty already, my classroom is at Container Block B, and my table is right beside the pen sticking in the wall. No joke.


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