Thursday 11 February 2010



As taken from my slides during the speech given, with some minor edits and additions here and there.

- My family for their love
- Year 2K 07 for shaping my ideas of unity
- Year 4M 09 for getting me through tough times
- All Junior High SCs from 2007-2010 for being an extended family
- Junior High Executive Committee 08/09 for propelling me to improve and change for the better
- 5C11 for making Senior High life a pretty painting of a bright 2 years ahead
- 6C11 seniors for showing me that friendships take no effort in building across levels
- Junior High SC teachers from all 3 years that knew when to put me down in order for me to learn how - - to get up
- Fellow SC candidates this year for showing me what an amazing level Year 5s of 2010 are
- Mr Choo for his support in my preliminary campaign
- Current Senior High Student Councilors for their guidance and inspiration in leadership of a different, but no less awesome brand
- Friends for pushing me forward and feeding my growth in confidence in every small meeting we have en-route to lessons
- Kiat Shing and Nicole, for letting me know that if I should be unable to garner the support from the school, another one more capable than me will
- God for who He is

I have full faith in the outcome of the vote, and submit to the divinity that guided every true stroke. My heartiest congratulations and deepest support to Kiat Shing - there is no doubt in my mind that you are not chosen by mistake or by chance, and I know you will do this job to the best of your ability.

Perhaps my proverbial boat hasn't come yet. Perhaps a patience waiting will see to the deliverance of my true casting. Perhaps I just have to have a little more faith for a little while longer. Till He calls.