Friday 24 April 2009

Why so serious?

Why So Serious?

Honestly, what has this world come to? Why is this happening? Amidst this tough period of time, the things that are dying are not our bank accounts, not our brain cells, and shockingly, not ourselves either. But of all things, it has to be blogs.

First of all, your Honour, I plead innocent. Yes your honour, like I said - stopping2think committed suicide. No your honour, I had no part in its death in any way at all. No. Oh, I'm not really edging closer to the door your honour, maybe its the heat getting to you. Dear me, your honour, does it really look like I'm trying to escape this courtroom? You are such a humorous... Alright fine. Guilty.

Let me explain myself sir, you see - My father was a drinker I started stopping2think simply as a joke. Well maybe not so much to be a joke, but to show people that INFJs have a superior decent sense of humour.  Then, just like any other bad habit, it grew. My mind was hooked, and it started taking a little more free time every single week. From then on, stopping2think turned into my very own dumping ground of thoughts. With some selection and filtering involved, of course.

But then, all good things come to an end. Schoolwork caught up. An avalanche of stress and a pandemic of long-term panic later, blogs were simply part of the wastelands left behind in a war that involved everyone's minds conquered by school. Of course, there are others that had no problem surviving the onslaught of school-related stress, but like any other contradictory point in a History essay I shall conveniently leave these out.

So I had accomplices too, and no way they're getting off scot free. (I'm referring to,,,,,, and many, many others.) Blogs have been dropping off the internet like numbers off the STI (That's the Singapore Trade Index, in case you wanted to google that) since last year. Oh sure, the writers were depressed and all, but we've all heard that somewhere or another. And the most ironic thing is that aren't blogs supposed to make people, well, not depressed?

That is why I appeal, I beseech, I plead all of you bloggers - Don't leave your poor blogs to rot in cyberspace! Fight the good fight, and have a little fun on the way. Blogging is practically one of the few things left that are fun, pleasant but not condemned. That is, assuming you don't have the constant urge to hurl unsettling comments at specific racial groups, of course.

So ask yourself - Why so serious? Don't let little things in life get you down by brooding over them. Take a humorous approach; Blog a little about it. And maybe, just maybe, you might feel a little better about it.

Blogging again soon.


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